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Veteran’s Home Care.

What is Veteran’s Home Care?

Veterans’ Home Care (VHC) is a DVA program designed to assist eligible DVA clients who need a small amount of practical help to continue living independently in their own home.

Services include Domestic Assistance, Personal Care, Respite Care, and safety-related Home and Garden Maintenance. VHC is not designed to meet complex or high-level care needs. The VHC Program also assists carers in recognition of the vital role they play in the veteran and defence community.

Limited, short term Social Assistance may also be provided as part of the Coordinated Veterans’ Care (CVC) Program.

VHC services are subsided by the Australian Government through the Department of Veterans Affairs. There is a fee co-payment required to be paid by the program recipient. This will be determined by the VHC assessment agency.

Am I eligible and how can I access Veteran’s Home Care?

Veterans and war widowers are eligible to be assessed for all VHC services. To receive a VHC service, the veteran must be assessed by their local Veterans’ Home Care Assessment agency.

To contact your local VHC agency for a phone-based assessment, please call:

VHC agency phone number  1300 550 450

Following a request from the VHC assessment agency, Care For You At Home’s team will arrange a convenient time to complete an assessment and commence the delivery of the approved VHC service.

VHC funding provides a range of home care services designed to meet individual needs including but not limited to:

Domestic Assistance: assistance with domestic tasks such as household cleaning, dishwashing, laundry needs (clothes washing and ironing), Bed linen change, vacuuming and sweeping floors, mopping, dusting and shopping by list.

In-home Respite Care: temporary relief provided to your carer or to you. This can be a valuable resource to support in home care and prevent carer burn out.

Home Maintenance: the focus of home maintenance services is to assist in keeping the home safe and habitable by minimising environmental health and safety hazards that may impact on you in and around the home. Tasks provided by our currently employed Subcontractor can include: window cleaning, gutter cleaning and cleaning ceiling fans.

Veteran's Affairs Assistance

How can we help you to maintain your independence?

Care for you at Home is a private Nursing Service that aims to provide competent professional care to consumers in the home and community.

    *Required Fields

    Clinical Nursing Care.

    Personal Care.

    Respite Care.

    Domestic Assistance.

    Disability Care.

    Home Maintenance.
